aadipa III edition book hlbh. barcelona

today a special book has been delivered to the studio: the collection of the selected projects of the european award for architectural heritage  intervention aadipa 2017 III edition, in which you can find our project HLBH - house level home office. thanks a lot to aadipa team.
barcelona. spain

aadipa III edition book 2017

city houses. barcelona

today we received a beautiful book entitled city houses. the editorial project is conceived by booq publishing and edited by monsa publications. thanks to the project creator lola mercader gomez.
inside the book you can find house level home office and the epilogue, written by christian and entitled from home space to city place.
barcelona. spain

booq publishing

eleatiche. of possible futures. rome

eleatiche - of possible futures
science and technology development, produced by the open societies, offers an unprecedented glimpse of possibilities of evolution and well-being for all in history. almost an evolutionary leap. an extraordinary future is at hand, on condition that political and economic decision makers do the right choices. otherwise there is the risk that everything may disappear.
rome. italy

eleatiche. centro studi

il progetto come connessione. milano

we are very excited to announce that the book "il progetto come connessione - architettura città paesaggio" politecnica series 2018, is now available! the book is a research on the architectural fundamentals, in which the figure of the link/connection is the plan principle of architecture, city and landscape. this approach is the keypoint of our research on architecture and we hope that you may be involved by it. thanks to guido crespi and maggioli editore.
rimini. italy

il progetto come connessione

terzo luogo. architecture and landscape book series

we are happy to announce the founding of a new architecture and landscape book series, named TERZO LUOGO, published by licosia. christian gasparini will be the director, while the editorial board will consist of roberto bottazzi, pierfranco galliani, luigi manzione, alessandro rocca.
salerno. italy

licosia. terzo luogo

villa design. zurich

villa design book is today published. inside you can find HHCR, among a range of over 60 examples of villas all around the world, where the aesthetic and functional themes meet.
the editorial project is  conceived by braun publishing and edited by agata toromanoff.
zurich. switzerland
potsdam. germany

braun publishing

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