
polimi ads I. civic space

polimi ads I. civic space

MSC architectural design studio I - auic
civic space|Lunati Gasparini
site visti AY 22-23.
politecnico leonardo.
milan. italy

world space designers. natoffice. tokio

world space designers. natoffice. tokio

we are really thrilled to be part of this great book, that recollects world's practices working on the concept of space. the book is published in japanese and english version.
tokio. japan

world space designers book 2022

polimi ads I. site visit. wien

polimi ads I. site visit. wien

MSC architectural design studio I - auic
building of buildings|Lunati Gasparini
site visit favoriten strasse AY 21-22
politecnico leonardo.
wien. austria

fmed fondazione magnani exhibit design. second prize. reggio emilia

fmed fondazione magnani exhibit design. second prize. reggio emilia

NAT Office won second prize in the competition fondazione magnani new exhibit design.
september | october.
reggio emilia. italy

concept fondazione magnani

polimi ads I. building of buildings

polimi ads I. building of buildings

MSC architectural design studio I - auic
building of buildings|Lunati Gasparini
presentation AY 21-22.
politecnico leonardo.
milan. italy

ccsr cei liturgical chapel. finalist. roma

ccsr cei liturgical chapel. finalist. roma

NAT Office is finalist in cei competition, to renovate and redesign the underground liturgical space of san francesco and santa caterina's service centre. italian episcopal conference.
may | july.
rome. italy

aadipa 2021 book. hcbc. barcelona

aadipa 2021 book. hcbc. barcelona

honored to be part of this great book, that recollects all the best european architectural heritage intervention with hcbc renovation. thanks to aadipa curatorial team.
barcelona. spain

ahi aadipa book 2021

platform architecture festival 2021. venice

platform architecture festival 2021. venice

on friday christian gave a lecture inside platform architecture festival in venice, talking about nat office approach, focusing on natural light as material.
venice. italy

platform architecture festival venezia 2021

testaccio competition exhibit. mcst. rome

testaccio competition exhibit. mcst. rome

we are thrilled about the exhibition opening of the competition projects on art labs and sport park testaccio in rome at the university la sapienza. III prize.
2 july | 9 july.
rome. italy

casa platform @ venezia 2021 hhcr. venice

casa platform @ venezia 2021 hhcr. venice

very proud to be involved in casa platform exhibit in venice: hhcr is selected among best international houses design and will be exhibited at scuola grande di nostra signora della misericordia in parallel with venice biennale.
22 may | 22 august.
venice. italy

casa platform venezia 2021

bihds 2021. hhcr. milan

bihds 2021. hhcr. milan

a book is coming with a collection of the best contemporary houses all around the world, selected and edited by platform for the new book named best international houses design selection 2021. inside you can find hhcr project. stay tuned.
milan. italy

htbr on archello. amsterdam

htbr on archello. amsterdam

special thanks to archello international platform for publishing htbr on its website.
amsterdam, netherlands

archello webzine

redevelop and renew the public space. milan

redevelop and renew the public space. milan

webex meetings dastu polimi
on friday at 4:30 pm, stamatina kousidi and christian will discuss on public space as a recreational network with demetra katsota, partner at buerger katsota architects and professor of architecture at the university of patras, greece.

lecturer: demetra katsota
discussant: christian gasparini
organizer: stamatina kousidi
architectural design studio 2 auic polimi aa 2020 | 2021
milan. italy

conference katsota polimi 2020

in/architettura 2020 awards. hhcr winner

in/architettura 2020 awards. hhcr winner

we are truly excited to win in/arch 2020 special award for new building with hhcr project. you can follow the award ceremony in live streaming at 14.00 pm from assimpredilance headquarters.
thanks to archilovers and istituto nazionale di  architettura.
milan. italy

hcbc on ddn. milan

hcbc on ddn. milan

special thanks to ddn international magazine for publishing hcbc on its monthly review number 260 october 2020.
milan. italy

ddn magazine

bieds 2020. traveling exhibit segb. milan

bieds 2020. traveling exhibit segb. milan

we are thrilled o announce that the project gb exhibit pavilion will be presented inside Best Italian Exhibition Design Selection 2020 by platform at just completed Adi design museum.
milan. italy 

polimi ads I. contemporary art museum. lima

polimi ads I. contemporary art museum. lima

MSC Architectural Design Studio I - AUIC
presentation AY 2020-2021.
politecnico leonardo.
milan. italy

the plan award 2020. hhcr finalist. bologna

the plan award 2020. hhcr finalist. bologna

we're really thrilled that our hhcr hcbc and segb selected by the plan, are shortilisted and finalist in the plan award 2020. thanks to the jury panel.
bologna. italy

mcst art labs and sport park. third prize. rome

mcst art labs and sport park. third prize. rome

NAT Office wins third prize in the international 2 step design competition for testaccio art labs freetime and sport park.
rome. italy

awn competition testaccio roma

villa design. zurich

villa design. zurich

villa design book is today published. inside you can find HHCR, among a range of over 60 examples of villas all around the world, where the aesthetic and functional themes meet.
the editorial project is  conceived by braun publishing and edited by agata toromanoff.
zurich. switzerland
potsdam. germany

braun publishing

houseporch sabap license. hpba. albinea

houseporch sabap license. hpba. albinea

sabap environmental and architectural heritage superintendence has approved hpba project.
albinea. italy

city houses. barcelona

city houses. barcelona

today we received a beautiful book entitled city houses. the editorial project is conceived by booq publishing and edited by monsa publications. thanks to the project creator lola mercader gomez.
inside the book you can find house level home office and the epilogue, written by christian and entitled from home space to city place.
barcelona. spain

booq publishing

ssbap polimi 2020. milan

ssbap polimi 2020. milan

exhibit design and restoration
guido canali: santa maria della scala.
phd school heritage and landscape.
architecture and planning department
politecnico leonardo

covid 19. what's smart

covid 19. what's smart

a talk between nunziante mastrolia and christian gasparini on smart cities and smart territories. fordism and postfordism society. stayinghome. covid19
salerno. reggio emilia. italy

smart cities vs smart territories

archienergy project. rimini

archienergy project. rimini

giorgio tartaro interviews christian gasparini for archienergy project: sustainability flexibility and heritage.
rimini. italy

archienergy project

hhcr on architonic. zurich

hhcr on architonic. zurich

many thanks to architonic international architectural platform for publishing hhcr on its daily review 20 february 2020.
zurich. switzerland

architonic 2020

viaggio nell'architettura italiana del III millennio. roma

viaggio nell'architettura italiana del III millennio. roma

Today we received an interesting book that is a sort of journey through the contemporary identity of the italian architecture.
edizioni efesto. thanks to michele costanzo.
rome. italy

viaggio nell'architettura italiana del 3° millennio

archdaily boty 2020. hhcr. mexico city

archdaily boty 2020. hhcr. mexico city

househut corticella is among the eligible projects for nomination of archdaily's building of the year 2020 award, in houses category. please support it by voting through the link below.
mexico city. mexico

archipendium 2020. hhcr. berlin

archipendium 2020. hhcr. berlin

finally archipendium calendar 2020 is arrived at the office. best of ten years archipendium, the jubilee edition selected 365 buildings all over the world. on 10.VI.2020 you may find hhcr.
berlin. germany


archilovers best 2019. hhcr selected. bari

archilovers best 2019. hhcr selected. bari

househut corticella is selected as one of the best projects on archilovers 2019 international website.
bari. italy

inspireli awards 2020. prague

inspireli awards 2020. prague

christian is nominated juror at inspireli awards 2020. thanks to karel smejkal and all the organizers for their amazing work.
prague. czech republic

aadipa III edition book hlbh. barcelona

aadipa III edition book hlbh. barcelona

today a special book has been delivered to the studio: the collection of the selected projects of the european award for architectural heritage  intervention aadipa 2017 III edition, in which you can find our project HLBH - house level home office. thanks a lot to aadipa team.
barcelona. spain

aadipa III edition book 2017

htbr on arqa. buenos aires

htbr on arqa. buenos aires

thanks to arqa international platform comunidad de arquitectura y diseno for publishing our latest work htbr houseterrace rivalta.
buenos aires. argentina

arqa comunidad de arquitectura y diseno

spsa 2019. hhcr selected. lugano

spsa 2019. hhcr selected. lugano

househut corticella is selected for swiss prize sustainable architecture and it's exhibited inside lugano design award 2019
lugano. swiss

hhcr on ddn. milan

hhcr on ddn. milan

special thanks to ddn international magazine for publishing hhcr on its monthly review number 250 september 2019.
milan. italy

ddn magazine

bieds 2019. traveling exhibit segb. rome

bieds 2019. traveling exhibit segb. rome

we are very proud to announce that the project gb exhibit pavilion will be presented inside Best Italian Exhibition Design Selection 2019 by platform at Casa dell'Architettura. Join us in Rome.
rome. italy

bieds platform 2019

best italian exhibition design selection 2019. milan

best italian exhibition design selection 2019. milan

we are happy to announce that gb exhibit pavilion has been selected by Platform for the book and traveling exhibit named best italian exhibition design selection 2019.
milan. italy


polimi ads II. guido reni former barracks. rome

polimi ads II. guido reni former barracks. rome

MSC Architectural Design Studio II - AUIC
presentation AY 2019-2020.
politecnico leonardo.
milan. italy

dna 2019. awards ceremony. paris

dna 2019. awards ceremony. paris

christian gasparini will be in paris to receive the dna paris design awards 2019 for hhcr residential project.
paris. france

dna paris awards ceremony 2019

sculpture atelier. sagm. montecchio emilia

sculpture atelier. sagm. montecchio emilia

NAT Office is engaged for a new artist's atelier and studio.
montecchio emilia. italy

building survey. sao luis

building survey. sao luis

christian gasparini will be on site to study and visit portas da amazonia listed building and its context.
26 may-3 june sao luis. brazil

sao luis. unesco world heritage

dna 2019. hhcr winner. paris

dna 2019. hhcr winner. paris

househut corticella is winner for dna paris design awards 2019 inside housing category.
paris. france

rpal portas da amazonia renovation. sao luis

rpal portas da amazonia renovation. sao luis

NAT Office was selected and engaged for portas da amazonia architectural renovation, a colonial listed building in the unesco world heritage sao luis' historic city centre.
sao luis. brazil

kdsc 2019. hhcr shortlisted. bologna

kdsc 2019. hhcr shortlisted. bologna

househut corticella is shortlisted for kitchen design special contest inside international The plan awards 2019
bologna. italy

kitchen design special contest 2019

biids 2018. traveling exhibit hlbh. carrara

biids 2018. traveling exhibit hlbh. carrara

happy to announce the fourth step of traveling exhibit - best italian interior design selection 2018 by Platform that will be held at carrara camera di commercio industria e artigianato. thanks to all the organizers
2-9 june carrara. italy

biids platform 2018

licc 2018. hhcr mention. london

licc 2018. hhcr mention. london


we are very proud to announce that househut corticella is awarded as honorable mention at London International Creative Competition 2018, category Architecture.
london. uk

licc london competition 2018

segb on aeccafè. san jose

segb on aeccafè. san jose

thanks to the international architectural blog aec cafè that published gb exhibit pavilion on its archshowcase.
san jose. califorina. usa

aec cafè

big architecture festival 2019. ljubljana

big architecture festival 2019. ljubljana

christian gasparini has been invited to give a lecture at the big architecture festival 2019 that will take place at the city of design dunajska.
ljubljana. slovenia

hcbc on aeccafè. san jose

hcbc on aeccafè. san jose

thanks to the editorial board of aec cafè, that publishes today housecourtyard on archshowcase daily cover.
san jose. califorina. usa

aec cafè

 ness new energy mobility hub. first prize. reggio emilia

ness new energy mobility hub. first prize. reggio emilia

NAT Office wins restricted competition for new mobility hub concept organized by ego. a new way to conceive and live time lapse and journey.
reggio emilia modena parma bologna mantova cremona lodi verona. italy

hcbc on arkinka. lima

hcbc on arkinka. lima

we are very glad that arkinka has been published HCBC project on magazine 279 february 2019. thanks to the editorial board and isabella gama.
lima. perù

bsaa 2019. hhcr winner. ljubljana

bsaa 2019. hhcr winner. ljubljana


we are very proud to announce that househut corticella is big see architecture award 2019 winner as best residential architecture.
ljubljana. slovenia

big see architecture award 2019

hhcr on aeccafè. san jose

hhcr on aeccafè. san jose

thanks to the international architectural blog aec cafè that publishes housecountry corticella on its daily cover showcase.
san jose. califorina. usa

aec cafè

ads II final thesis. site visit. lausanne

ads II final thesis. site visit. lausanne

visit on site. case study epfl. lausanne
AACI Architectural design studio II - Final thesis A
architecture urban planning construction engineering.
politecnico leonardo.
lausanne. switzerland

hhcr on metalocus. madrid

hhcr on metalocus. madrid

great news from madrid. today metalocus dedicates its cover to HHCR. Thanks to the editorial board.
madrid. spain


big architecture award 2019. ljubljana

big architecture award 2019. ljubljana


we are very glad to announce that HHCR househut has been selected for the big see architecture festival 2019. our project has also been nominated in the category residential architecture. stay tuned.
ljubljana. slovenia

big see architecture

world architects. zurich

world architects. zurich

today world architects opens its architecture platform cover with NAT Office as one of the featured profiles. thanks to the editorial board
zurich. switzerland

world architects

build awards 2019 infrastructure masterplan project. london

build awards 2019 infrastructure masterplan project. london


we are honoured to announce that CSRE sports city masterplan has been awarded as best infrastructure masterplan project 2019 by build review.
london. uk

hhcr on archdaily. los angeles

hhcr on archdaily. los angeles

thanks to archdaily for publishing HHCR househut on its cover
los angeles. usa


hhcr on archello. amsterdam

hhcr on archello. amsterdam

today archello opens its architecture platform daily cover with longgang cultural center by Mecanoo, S2OSB headquarters and conference hall by Binaa, househut by NAT Office and liberty lounge by Simplex Architecture. thanks to the editorial board and Tom Kolnaar editor in chief.
amsterdam. netherland


archilovers newsletter 531. bari

archilovers newsletter 531. bari

thanks to archilovers editorial board and in particular cecilia di marzo for dedicating their weekly international newsletter's cover to HHCR.
bari. italy

archilovers #531

hhcr on elle decor. milan

hhcr on elle decor. milan

today elle decor opens its magazine with the cover dedicated to HHCR - househut corticella.
thanks to the editorial board and in particular to rita salerno.
hearst magazine
milan. italy
best wishes 2018 2019

best wishes 2018 2019

nat office wishes all its friends a merry christmas and happy new year to produce new architectures and contemporary spaces.
reggio emilia - milan. italy

archilovers newsletter 525. bari

archilovers newsletter 525. bari

thanks to archilovers editorial board for the recent selection and publication of HCBC on its international architecture's webstite.
bari. italy

archilovers #525

build awards 2019 design firm. london

build awards 2019 design firm. london


we are very proud to announce that nat office has been crowned as best international home and garden design firm 2019 by build review.
london. uk

archello platform. amsterdam

archello platform. amsterdam

we are happy to announce that archello editorial board have selected and published all our works on its international architecture's platform.
amsterdam. netherlands

archello. natoffice

build awards 2019 best refurbishment project. london

build awards 2019 best refurbishment project. london


we are very proud to announce that HLBH houselevel homeoffice has been crowned as best listed refurbishment project 2019 by build review.
london. uk

completion - househut. modena

completion - househut. modena

today we completed the photoshooting of HHCR new countryhouse's project.
modena. italy

il progetto come connessione. milano

il progetto come connessione. milano

we are very excited to announce that the book "il progetto come connessione - architettura città paesaggio" politecnica series 2018, is now available! the book is a research on the architectural fundamentals, in which the figure of the link/connection is the plan principle of architecture, city and landscape. this approach is the keypoint of our research on architecture and we hope that you may be involved by it. thanks to guido crespi and maggioli editore.
rimini. italy

il progetto come connessione

progetti d'italia. pesaro

progetti d'italia. pesaro

we are grateful to progetti d'italia editorial board: houselevel homeoffice has been selected for the publication on magazine 15 edited by quid edizioni.
pesaro urbino. italy

progetti 15

hbd spazio gerra. reggio emilia

hbd spazio gerra. reggio emilia

we are happy to announce sfmg ten year experience and life between art, photography, new media and contemporary architecture.
reggio emilia. italy

spazio gerra

build review awards 2019. stoke

build review awards 2019. stoke

we are very honoured to have been nominated by build review to home and garden awards 2019.
burton on trent. stoke. uk
biids 2018. traveling exhibit hlbh. novara

biids 2018. traveling exhibit hlbh. novara

we are happy to announce the third step of traveling exhibit - best italian interior design selection 2018 by Platform that will be held at novara castello sforzesco.
thanks to all the organizers
26 october-2 november novara. italy

biids platform 2018

eleatiche. of possible futures. rome

eleatiche. of possible futures. rome

eleatiche - of possible futures
science and technology development, produced by the open societies, offers an unprecedented glimpse of possibilities of evolution and well-being for all in history. almost an evolutionary leap. an extraordinary future is at hand, on condition that political and economic decision makers do the right choices. otherwise there is the risk that everything may disappear.
rome. italy

eleatiche. centro studi

smart cities vs smart territories. torino milano

smart cities vs smart territories. torino milano

a book is coming soon. a sort of debate on the idea of smart cities: two different positions, two way of thinking. from l'aquila earthquake territories to italian heritage landscape, to world infinite richness and multiplicity...
thanks to licosia edizioni
salerno. italy

smart cities vs smart territories

built-id. london

built-id. london

we are very happy to have been selected by built-id platform to showcase our works.
london. uk
completion - housecourtyard. reggio emilia

completion - housecourtyard. reggio emilia

today we completed the photoshooting of HCBC renovation and restoration project inside reggio emilia historical centre.
reggio emilia. italy

terzo luogo. architecture and landscape book series

terzo luogo. architecture and landscape book series

we are happy to announce the founding of a new architecture and landscape book series, named TERZO LUOGO, published by licosia. christian gasparini will be the director, while the editorial board will consist of roberto bottazzi, pierfranco galliani, luigi manzione, alessandro rocca.
salerno. italy

licosia. terzo luogo

completion - gb exhibit pavilion. milan

completion - gb exhibit pavilion. milan

one week building works set up gb pavilion at ipack ima 2018. thanks to kalimera, a&m production, arborea farm.
rho pero. milan. italy

rabm on paysage. milan

rabm on paysage. milan

today we received a copy of giardino italiano 5 by paysage with the article about RABM. thanks to novella cappelletti, aurora benvenuti and all editorial board.
milan. italy

polimi ads II. veterinary medicine campus. milan

polimi ads II. veterinary medicine campus. milan

MSC Architectural Design Studio II - AUIC
presentation AY 2018-2019.
politecnico leonardo.
milan. italy

nblm lorenteggio library. finalist. milan

nblm lorenteggio library. finalist. milan

NAT Office is finalist in the international 2 step design competition for lorenteggio library and is displayed at via odazio library (12-23 june).
milan. italy

kdsc 2018. hlbh finalist. bologna

kdsc 2018. hlbh finalist. bologna

houselevel homeoffice is finalist for kitchen design special contest inside international The plan awards 2018
bologna. italy

kitchen design special contest 2018

income porcelanosa 2018. valencia

income porcelanosa 2018. valencia

christian gasparini is invited by platform and porcelanosa to income valencia, a three days workshop at company headquarters.
valencia. spain

perspective europe 2018. venice

perspective europe 2018. venice

christian gasparini is invited by the plan to the forum perspective europe that will take place at lido. venice. italy

biids 2018. book and traveling exhibit hlbh. milan

biids 2018. book and traveling exhibit hlbh. milan

best italian interior design book's official presentation will take place at the triennale di milano at 6 pm together with the opening of the homonymous traveling exhibit illustrating the 84 selected projects including hlbh.
15-20 may milan. italy
23-30 may forlì. italy

biids platform 2018

european photography 2018. spazio gerra

european photography 2018. spazio gerra

the 13th european photography festival will open in spazio marco gerra SFMG.
reggio emilia. italy

brau 2018. ceuta-nicosia axis

brau 2018. ceuta-nicosia axis

HLBH winning project will take part to 4th biennial of architectural and urban restoration along ceuta-nicosia axis.
nicosia 15-17 april, catania 19-20 april, tunis 20-21 april, athens 23-25 april, rethymno 25-27 april, alexandria 28-30 april

brau 2018

inarcassa cicop award 2018 hlbh. florence

inarcassa cicop award 2018 hlbh. florence

today we won 1st prize in the inarcassa foundation and cicop award for rediscovery and restoration of architectural heritage with HLBH houselevel homeoffice. on the 19th of april we will display the project in catania and receive the award. thanks to the jury, cicop and inarcassa foundation.
florence. italy

inarcassa cicop award 2018

best italian interior design selection 2018. milan

best italian interior design selection 2018. milan

we are glad to announce that houselevel homeoffice has been selected by Platform for the book and traveling exhibit named best italian interior design selection 2018.
milan. italy


giardino italiano 5. paysage. milan

giardino italiano 5. paysage. milan

we are very honored to announce that the project ivy restaurant and lounge bar has been selected by Paysage for the publication on giardino italiano vol. 5.
milan. italy

opening milan office. milan

opening milan office. milan

today we are glad for the opening of a new working office in milan, via zanella 48. In collaboration with Z48. milan. italy


gb exhibit pavilion. milan

gb exhibit pavilion. milan

NAT Office is engaged for a new exhibit pavilion at ipack ima 2018
milan. italy

ipack ima

rabm on aeccafè. san jose

rabm on aeccafè. san jose

thanks to the international architectural blog aec cafè that published ivy restaurant and lounge bar too.
san jose. califorina. usa

aec cafè

architettura italiana divisare. rome

architettura italiana divisare. rome

the project PA meeting rooms is published by Architettura Italiana on its monday cover 
rome. italy

architettura italiana

hlbh on aeccafè. san jose

hlbh on aeccafè. san jose

we are grateful to the international architectural blog aec cafè for publishing houselevel homeoffice
san jose. california. usa

aec cafè

completion - pa meeting rooms. reggio emilia

completion - pa meeting rooms. reggio emilia

today we completed the photoshooting of MRPA pa meeting rooms renovation in reggio emilia industrial district.
reggio emilia. italy

merry christmas and happy new year

merry christmas and happy new year

NAT Office wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, with the shooting for PA Meeting Rooms by Davide Galli photographer. reggio emilia. italy

housefarm. montecchio

housefarm. montecchio

NAT Office is engaged for the recovery of an historical listed courtyard and settlement
montecchio. italy

ads II. site visit madrid

ads II. site visit madrid

politecnico leonardo architectural design studio II goes visiting madrid's academic project site
madrid. spain

houseporch. albinea

houseporch. albinea

we have been selected for private villa renovation and redesign
albinea. italy

aap 2017 rabm. los angeles

aap 2017 rabm. los angeles

Today we receive a beautiful news from American Architecture Prize Jury and we are grateful and honored that a little project as IVY Restaurant and Lounge Bar has received an Honorable Mention in the Hospitality Architecture category.
los angeles. usa

aap 2017

aadipa 2017 hlbh. barcelona

aadipa 2017 hlbh. barcelona

NAT Office is very proud to announce that the project HLBH - house level home office has been published in the website Archive of the European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention AADIPA
barcelona. spain

aadipa 2017

houseterrace. rivalta

houseterrace. rivalta

NAT Office is engaged for a duplex apartment renovation in rivalta
reggio emilia. italy

polimi ads II. plaza del carmen. madrid

polimi ads II. plaza del carmen. madrid

AY 2017-2018
urban grafting and new identity madrid
MSC Architectural Design Studio II 
architecture urban planning construction engineering
politecnico leonardo
milan. italy

in & out workshop. reggio emilia

in & out workshop. reggio emilia

christian gasparini talks about indoor and outdoor theme in natoffice's works. 
organization by reggio emilia architects' association, gervasoni, pm interni
reggio emilia. italy

studi aperti open! italy. natoffice

studi aperti open! italy. natoffice

NAT Office opens the doors in reggio emilia and invites you on a tour of the current projects through art and architecture with omar galliani, michelangelo galliani and marika ricchi. 
reggio emilia. italy

studi aperti 2017

a.prize 2017 hlbh. milan

a.prize 2017 hlbh. milan

500x100 has published houselevel video, selected for a.prize award 2017
milan. italy

a.prize 2017

european photography 2017. spazio gerra

european photography 2017. spazio gerra

tonight the annual european photography festival will open in spazio marco gerra.
This year the main theme will be "mappe del tempo".
reggio emilia. italy

futura. clouds' gardens. reggio emilia

futura. clouds' gardens. reggio emilia

christian gasparini is invited to futura, a civic hackaton on the roof of san pellegrino library
reggio emilia. italy

architetture e interni urbani. milan

architetture e interni urbani. milan

christian gasparini partecipates to the presentation architetture ed interni urbani edited by corriere della sera e abitare
aula rogers. polimi
milan. italy

a+awards 2017 rabm. new york

a+awards 2017 rabm. new york

ivy restaurant lounge bar has received a Special Mention in the Architizer A+Awards 2017 Restaurants category
new york. usa

a+awards 2017

hlbh archdaily boty 2017. los angeles

hlbh archdaily boty 2017. los angeles

houselevel homeoffice has been selected by ArchDaily for Building Of The Year 2017 Refurbishment category
los angeles. USA

archdaily boty 2017

 nsar new aci offices. invited. reggio emilia

nsar new aci offices. invited. reggio emilia

NAT Office is invited at restricted design competition for aci new commercial offices.
reggio emilia. italy

lhsm liuni headquarters. finalist. milan

lhsm liuni headquarters. finalist. milan

NAT Office is finalist at 2 stage international design competition for stephenson 86 liuni.
milan. italy

ads II. site visit berlin

ads II. site visit berlin

architectural design studio II goes visiting neue nationalgalerie's academic project site and meets david chipperfield architects.
berlin. germany

polimi ads II. kulturforum. berlin

polimi ads II. kulturforum. berlin

AY 2016-2017
Museum of the XXth century berlin
MSC Architectural Design Studio II 
architecture and society school
politecnico leonardo
milan. italy

househut. corticella

househut. corticella

today the construction works of the new private villa start in corticella
rubiera. italy

ivy dehors opening. reggio emilia

ivy dehors opening. reggio emilia

ivy dehors is opening in viale montegrappa
reggio emilia. italy

the plan award 2016 hlbh. bologna

the plan award 2016 hlbh. bologna

houselevel homeoffice is finalist for the category renovation inside international The Plan Award 2016
bologna. italy

the plan award 2016 - renovation

take part make art pavillion. santa barbara

take part make art pavillion. santa barbara

NAT Office is shortlisted for the take part make art pavillion competition and will be displayed at the project exhibition that will be held in february 2017
santa barbara. usa


the plan award 2016 rabm. bologna

the plan award 2016 rabm. bologna

ivy restaurant lounge bar is shortlisted for the category interior inside international The Plan Award 2016
bologna. italy

the plan award 2016 - interior

european photography 2016. spazio gerra

european photography 2016. spazio gerra

tonight the 11th european photography festival will open in spazio marco gerra.
reggio emilia. italy

archello. amsterdam

archello. amsterdam

archello published NAT Office's projects houselevel and ivy restuarant on its website
amsterdam. holland


archilovers platform. bari

archilovers platform. bari

archilovers' news published NAT Office's projects houselevel and ivy restaurant
bari. italy

competitionline. berlin

competitionline. berlin

competitionline published houselevel homeoffice. reggio emilia 
berlin. germany


architettura italiana. rome

architettura italiana. rome

houselevel homeoffice is on the cover of architettura italiana.
edited by paolo antonacci
rome. italy

hlbh on metalocus. madrid

hlbh on metalocus. madrid

metalocus - revista internacional de arquitectura published hlbh project casa de niveles
edited by andrea portillo
madrid. spain


hlbh on archdaily. los angeles

hlbh on archdaily. los angeles

thanks to archdaily for publishing HLBH houselevel on its cover
los angeles. usa


arqa. buenos aires

arqa. buenos aires

NAT Office is published on arqa website with the projects HLBH houselevel and RABM ivy restaurant lounge bar
buenos aires. argentina


contemporary problems of architecture and construction

contemporary problems of architecture and construction

smart design for smart city - paper
edited by stefano bertocci, paola puma
la scuola di pitagora editore
naples. italy

smart design for smart city. florence

smart design for smart city. florence

christian gasparini is selected and invited speaker at 7th international conference on contemporary problems of architecture and construction
life beyond tourism. florence. italy

completion - ivy restaurant lounge bar. reggio emilia

completion - ivy restaurant lounge bar. reggio emilia

completion of the renovation works on the ivy restaurant  and lounge bar
reggio emilia. italy

nat office interview. como

nat office interview. como

christian gasparini is invited to be interviewed at the traveling exhibit by OnWebNetwork 
como. italy

ads II. site visit wien

ads II. site visit wien

visit on project site. wien
MSC Architectural Design Studio II 
architecture and society school
politecnico leonardo
milan. italy

ivy opening. reggio emilia

ivy opening. reggio emilia

restaurant and lounge bar IVY is now opening in viale montegrappa
reggio emilia. italy

IVY coming soon

polimi ads II. neu museum. wien

polimi ads II. neu museum. wien

AY 2015-2016
Urban renewal wien museum neu
MSC Architectural Design Studio II 
architecture and society school
politecnico leonardo
milan. italy

completion - houselevel. cavriago

completion - houselevel. cavriago

the recovery works on pianella historic country mansion are completed
reggio emilia. italy

ivy restaurant lounge bar. reggio emilia

ivy restaurant lounge bar. reggio emilia

today starts the renovation work on the restaurant in the historical centre 
reggio emilia. italy

homify. berlin

homify. berlin

NAT Office is published on homify.
berlin. germany


european photography 2015. spazio gerra

european photography 2015. spazio gerra

today opens the annual european photography festival in spazio marco gerra
reggio emilia. italy

new guggenheim museum. helsinki

new guggenheim museum. helsinki

guggenhiem foundation competition projects exhibition at kunsthalle
helsinki. finland

houzz. palo alto

houzz. palo alto

NAT Office is selected and published on houzz. palo alto. usa


unesco cultural center. bamiyan

unesco cultural center. bamiyan

NAT Office competition project is published in bamiyan cultural center online exhibition
bamiyan. afghanistan


cpdf cei new parish centre. invited. forlì

cpdf cei new parish centre. invited. forlì

CEI has selected NAT Office for the restricted competition on new parish centre dedicated to Paolo VI.
forlì. italy

pa design elements. reggio emilia

pa design elements. reggio emilia

christian gasparini presents DEPA project, progettiamo autonomia design elements at 2014 national general meeting
pa headquarters
reggio emilia. italy

ads II. site visit lisbon

ads II. site visit lisbon

visit on site. lisbon
MSC Architectural Design Studio II 
architecture and society school
politecnico leonardo
lisbon. portugal

housecourtyard. reggio emilia

housecourtyard. reggio emilia

today the requalification works are starting in the historical centre 
reggio emilia. italy

polimi ads II. sao vicente de fora. lisbon

polimi ads II. sao vicente de fora. lisbon

AY 2014-2015
Urban renewal mosteiro de sao vicente.
miradouro campo santa clara. lisbon
MSC Architectural Design Studio II 
architecture and society school
politecnico leonardo
milan. italy

polimi phd. heritage and design. mantua

polimi phd. heritage and design. mantua

goncalo byrne lecture
phd international summer school
politecnico mantua campus
mantua. italy

new urban languages. madrid

new urban languages. madrid

christian gasparini is selected and invited speaker at the 2nd international conference new urban languages: rethinking urban ideology in post-ideological times.
universidad politecnica de madrid – etsam
avenida juan de herrera. madrid. spain

elle décor italia biennale. venice

elle décor italia biennale. venice

NAT Office is invited at the biennale opening party and interviewed by elle décor. venice. italy

recovery former barracks. brescia

recovery former barracks. brescia

NAT Office won the 3rd prize at the two stage international ideas competition for the residential recovery of the former barracks serafino gnutti

european photography 2014. spazio gerra

european photography 2014. spazio gerra

opening of the 9th european photography festival in spazio marco gerra
reggio emilia. italy

la scuola italiana. europaconcorsi

la scuola italiana. europaconcorsi

PIEC on europaconcorsi selected album la scuola italiana.
rome. italy


bernardo secchi honorary fellowship. madrid

bernardo secchi honorary fellowship. madrid

christian gasparini meets Bernardo Secchi at the event organized by etsam and club de debates urbanos to awards Bernardo Secchi as honorary fellow. madrid. spain

polimi ads II. site visit berlin

polimi ads II. site visit berlin

visit on site. berlin
MSC Architectural Design Studio II 
architecture and society school
politecnico leonardo
berlin. germany

rrcb recovery gnutti barracks. third prize. brescia

rrcb recovery gnutti barracks. third prize. brescia

NAT Office wins third prize at international 2 stage ideas competition to recovery gnutti former barracks.
brescia. italy

urban traces - seaside town. gabicce

urban traces - seaside town. gabicce

gabicce mare competition exhibit
NWGM new waterfront
ex mississippi
gabicce mare. italy

completion - houseframe. reggio emilia

completion - houseframe. reggio emilia

houseframe's renovation and redesign in bellalbero district are completed
reggio emilia. italy

archimovie tv. milan

archimovie tv. milan

giorgio tartaro interviews christian gasparini on archimovie tv discussing on our work.
milan. italy

archimovie tv

architects party 2013. reggio emilia

architects party 2013. reggio emilia

architects party 2013 edited by towant at NAT Office - christian gasparini architect on thursday 7th november at 19:00.
NAT Office is elected elle décor partner in reggio emilia
reggio emilia.italy

elle décor

architectural festival. moscow

architectural festival. moscow

CCLC is presented at the XXI architectural festival zodchestvo.
best contemporary emilia romagna architectures
by victor logvinov and alla artis
manage exhibition hall
moscow. russia


polimi lap IV. slaughterhouse. berlin

polimi lap IV. slaughterhouse. berlin

AY 2013-2014
Urban masterplan and architecture
MSC Architectural Design Studio II 
architecture and society school
politecnico leonardo
milan. italy

lhdc luxury housing development. fourth prize. barcelona

lhdc luxury housing development. fourth prize. barcelona

NAT Office wins fourth prize at international 2 stage ideas competition for canet de mar luxury housing development.
barcelona. spain

luxury dwellings. barcellona

luxury dwellings. barcellona

NAT Office won the fourth prize at the two stage international planning competition arranged by buildtonet for designing seafront luxury dwellings in canet de mar
barcellona. spain

european photography 2013. spazio gerra

european photography 2013. spazio gerra

tonight the annual european photography festival will open in spazio marco gerra.
reggio emilia. italy

una geografia dell'architettura

una geografia dell'architettura

CCLC selected work
edited by andrea zanelli
quinlan editore
bologna. italy

energy forum - solar building skins

energy forum - solar building skins

architecture as sunlight - poster
edited by maria c. sampugnaro
energy forum editor
munich. germany - bozen. italy

houselevel. cavriago

houselevel. cavriago

the recovery and transformation of pianella historic country mansion is taken place in cavriago
reggio emilia. italy

convention architecture

convention architecture

SFMG european photography center
edited by james yu
lst publishing house editor
liaoning. china

architettare 12

architettare 12

HSBC housescape
maggioli editore
rimini. italy

architettura IBC - the winners. bologna

architettura IBC - the winners. bologna

la corte cultural and civic center is selected for the register of quality architecture by emilia romagna district and will be displayed at bologna urban center
bologna. italy

leaf awards 2012 book hsbc. london

leaf awards 2012 book hsbc. london

HSBC – housescape. reggio emilia is presented in the leaf award 2012 entries catalogue: residence building of the year (single occupancy)
london. uk

polimi lap IV. former warehouses. verona

polimi lap IV. former warehouses. verona

AY 2012-2013
Architecture and Industrial Archeology
MSC Architectural Planning Lab IV 
architecture and society school
politecnico leonardo
milan. italy

strategy for urban and architectural regeneration. parma

strategy for urban and architectural regeneration. parma

christian gasparini is invited at puc – parma urban center to present RBUP borgo ulivia masterplan. 
oratorio di san quirino. parma. italy

european photography 2012. spazio gerra

european photography 2012. spazio gerra

today opens the 7th european photography festival in spazio marco gerra
reggio emilia. italy

site de l’écoquartier de la jonction

site de l’écoquartier de la jonction

CEJG competition project
edited by ville de genève
imprimerie d’arve éditeur
genève. switzerland

periferie e città contemporanea

periferie e città contemporanea

RBUP borgo ulivia masterplan
edited by andrea sciascia
caracol editore
palermo. italy

ssbap polimi 2011. milan

ssbap polimi 2011. milan

Interior and exhibit design
Guido Canali: Santa Maria della Scala.
phd school heritage and landscape
architecture and planning department
politecnico leonardo

elle decor 10

elle decor 10

HSBC housescape
edited by paola carimati
hearst magazine
milan. italy

completion - housedouble. quattro castella

completion - housedouble. quattro castella

today the transformation works end in quattro castella country house
reggio emilia. italy

polimi lap IV. pini mental hospital. milan

polimi lap IV. pini mental hospital. milan

AY 2011-2012
Urban architectural planning
MSC Architectural Planning Lab IV 
architecture and society school
politecnico leonardo
milan. italy

houseframe. reggio emilia

houseframe. reggio emilia

the interventions of renovation and redesign have begun in bellalbero district
reggio emilia. italy

light and architecture. venice

light and architecture. venice

christian gasparini is invited speaker at the second world lighting congress. he presents natoffice works and talks about Light as a diaphragm between material and immaterial
54° biennale ca’ giustinian. venice. italy

Invited Speakers SWLC

hlbh houselevel homeoffice. first prize. reggio emilia

hlbh houselevel homeoffice. first prize. reggio emilia

NAT Office won the first prize at invited design competition for the architectural recovery of the historical listed settlement Casa Gualerzi in cavriago.
reggio emilia. italy

lap II. study visit lausanne

lap II. study visit lausanne

study tour. lausanne
rolex Learning center
MSC Architectural Planning Lab II
architecture and society school
politecnico leonardo
lausanne. switzerland

european photography 2011. spazio gerra

european photography 2011. spazio gerra

tonight the annual european photography festival will open in spazio marco gerra.
On the occasion of the 150th Italian Unification's anniversary the key theme will be "verde, bianco, rosso"
reggio emilia. italy

rahk alpine resort hotel keil. second prize. brunico

rahk alpine resort hotel keil. second prize. brunico

NAT Office wins second prize at international invited design competition for alpine resort and hotel keil. 
brunico. italy

progetto & pubblico 45

progetto & pubblico 45

SRMU silk road map unesco
official review oice
bema editore
rome. italy

silk road map unesco. shanghai

silk road map unesco. shanghai

silk road map for unesco: the winners
SRMU silk worms
universal expo shnaghai
world trade center
shanghai. china

silk road map

polimi lap II. bocconi university. milan

polimi lap II. bocconi university. milan

AY 2010-2011
New spaces for Bocconi University
MSC Architectural Planning Lab II 
architecture and society school
politecnico leonardo
milan. italy

srmu unesco silk road map. fourth prize. shanghai

srmu unesco silk road map. fourth prize. shanghai

NAT Office wins fourth prize at international ideas competition for the reconfiguration of the collective image of the silk road from rome to xi'an.
italy, china, russia, kazakhstan, tajikistan, kyrgyzstan, turkmenistan, afghanistan, iran, iraq, armenia, syria, turkey, greece, egypt

visual and performing arts. athens

visual and performing arts. athens

christian gasparini is selected and invited speaker at the international conference on fine and performing arts.
atiner athens institute for education and research
titania hotel. athens. greece

european photography 2010. spazio gerra

european photography 2010. spazio gerra

opening of the 5th european photography festival in spazio marco gerra
reggio emilia. italy

sole 24 ore - focus professionisti

sole 24 ore - focus professionisti

NAT Office practice
Il sole 24 ore
milan. italy

sole 24 ore - progetti e concorsi

sole 24 ore - progetti e concorsi

SFMG spazio gerra
Il sole 24 ore
milan. italy

lap III. el cabanal valencia. exhibit

lap III. el cabanal valencia. exhibit

New urban identity for universidad politecnica selected projects
BSC Architectural Planning Lab III
architecture and planning department
politecnico leonardo 
milan. italy

completion - housescape. reggio emilia

completion - housescape. reggio emilia

the construction of the new private villa in acquechiare district is completed
reggio emilia. italy

palermo districts, cities and contemporary suburbs. palermo

palermo districts, cities and contemporary suburbs. palermo

christian gasparini is invited designer at the international miur prin 2007 university workshop held at university of palermo – history and architecture department
palazzo larderia. palermo. italy

lap III. site visit valencia barcellona

lap III. site visit valencia barcellona

visit on project site. valencia
BSC Architectural Planning Lab III 
architecture and planning department
politecnico leonardo
valencia barcellona. spain

théâtre nouvelle comédie

théâtre nouvelle comédie

TNCG nuovelle comedie theatre
edited by ville de genève
imprimerie d’arve éditeur
genève. switzerland

progetti 1

progetti 1

PIEC childhood pole
edited by francesca guidoni
quid editore
pesaro. italy

polimi lap III. el cabanal. valencia

polimi lap III. el cabanal. valencia

AY 2009-2010
New urban identity for universidad politecnica
BSC Architectural Planning Lab III 
architecture and planning department
politecnico leonardo

polimi lap III. largo crocetta. milan

polimi lap III. largo crocetta. milan

AY 2009-2010
Architectural completion
MSC Thematic Planning Lab III 
architecture and planning department
politecnico leonardo
milan. italy

a+d+m 25 - architettura design materiali

a+d+m 25 - architettura design materiali

SFMG spazio gerra
edited by sara caviglia
dogma srl editor
savona. italy

viabizzuno report 23

viabizzuno report 23

SFMG spazio gerra
viabizzuno editore
bologna. italy

special album italy. europaconcorsi

special album italy. europaconcorsi

NAT Office is published on ec special album: italy - reggio emilia.
edited by Luca Scarfi, Maria Lopez Plaza
rome. italy


progetti er 15

progetti er 15

SFMG spazio gerra
edited by davide rufini
quid editore
pesaro. italy

housedouble. quattro castella

housedouble. quattro castella

the expansion and transformation works of the country house are starting in quattro castella
reggio emilia. italy

european photography 2009. spazio gerra

european photography 2009. spazio gerra

today opens the 4th european photography festival in spazio marco gerra
reggio emilia. italy

lap III. hospital san juan valencia. exhibit

lap III. hospital san juan valencia. exhibit

New urban identity for universidad politecnica selected projects
BSC Architectural Planning Lab III
architecture and planning department
politecnico leonardo 
milan. italy

architettare 5 educare

architettare 5 educare

CSPU school campus
maggioli editore
rimini. italy

piazza xx settembre awards. modena

piazza xx settembre awards. modena

awarded competition projects exhibit
PXXS piazza xx settembre
palazzina pucci

lap III. site visit. valencia

lap III. site visit. valencia

visit on project site. valencia
BSC Architectural Planning Laboratory III 
architecture and society department
politecnico leonardo

polimi lap III. hospital san juan. valencia

polimi lap III. hospital san juan. valencia

AY 2008-2009
New urban identity for universidad politecnica
BSC Architectural Planning Lab III 
architecture and planning department
politecnico leonardo
milan. italy

polimi lap III. largo cusani. milan

polimi lap III. largo cusani. milan

AY 2008-2009
Architectural completion
MSC Architectural Planning Lab III 
architecture and planning department
politecnico leonardo
milan. italy

reggio emilia: scenari di qualità urbana

reggio emilia: scenari di qualità urbana

SFMG spazio gerra
edited by luca molinari
skira editore
milan. italy

almanacco 2008

almanacco 2008

PIEC childhood pole
casabella - italian architects 2008
edited by marco mulazzani, paolo desideri, cino zucchi
arnoldo mondatori editore
milan. italy

cultural center. spazio gerra

cultural center. spazio gerra

spazio gerra cultural center opens the door to officina delle arti's exhibit
reggio emilia. italy

rizoma - overground/underground

rizoma - overground/underground

HSBC housescape
m&m maschietto editore
florence. italy

rizoma. pisa

rizoma. pisa

biennale young italian architects
HSBC housescape
piaggio museum pontedera

european photography 2008. spazio gerra

european photography 2008. spazio gerra

first european photography festival takes place in new spazio marco gerra
reggio emilia. italy

completion - european photography center. reggio emilia

completion - european photography center. reggio emilia

the works on former hotel cairoli are finished and the new european photography center will be inaugurated shortly
reggio emilia. italy

ccca città alessandrina cultural center. second prize. rome

ccca città alessandrina cultural center. second prize. rome

NAT Office wins second prize ex aequo at international 2 stage ideas competition for the new cultural center alessandrina city.
rome. italy

cspu school campus. third prize. novellara

cspu school campus. third prize. novellara

NAT Office wins third prize ex aequo at national ideas competition for the new school campus in novellara.
novellara. italy

lap III. bovisa milano. exhibit

lap III. bovisa milano. exhibit

Bovisa new spaces for culture selected projects
BSC Architectural Planning Lab III
architecture and planning department
politecnico leonardo 
milan. italy

completion - elvise carpi childhood pole. cadelbosco sopra

completion - elvise carpi childhood pole. cadelbosco sopra

opening ceremony takes place in elvise carpi childhood pole. cadelbosco sopra
reggio emilia. italy

housescape. reggio emilia

housescape. reggio emilia

today the construction of the new private villa starts in acquechiare district
reggio emilia. italy

PSC. costruzione del nuovo piano. reggio emilia

PSC. costruzione del nuovo piano. reggio emilia

CSRE sport city masterplan and visions
reggio emilia city council
reggio emilia. italy

almanacco 2006

almanacco 2006

CCLC la corte civic center
casabella - italian architects 2006
edited by marco mulazzani
arnoldo mondatori editore
milan. italy

bmcs library media center. third prize. vicenza

bmcs library media center. third prize. vicenza

NAT Office wins third prize at national ideas competition for the new library and media center in santorso.
vicenza. italy

completion - la corte civic center. traversetolo

completion - la corte civic center. traversetolo

la corte civic center opening ceremony takes place today
parma. italy

architecture richness and poverty. parma

architecture richness and poverty. parma

festival dell'architettura
richness and poverty
CCLC la corte civic center
casa della musica

european photography center. reggio emilia

european photography center. reggio emilia

the renovation and transformation of the former hotel cairoli have begun
reggio emilia. italy

piec childhood pole. first prize. reggio emilia

piec childhood pole. first prize. reggio emilia

NAT Office won the first prize at national curricula and ideas competition for the project of new childhood pole in cadelbosco sopra.
reggio emilia. italy

un nido a pennello

un nido a pennello

SIGM nursery school
edited by medici, monti, rapisarda
industrie grafiche reggiane editore
reggio emilia. italy

nib 3. italy. spain. portugal

nib 3. italy. spain. portugal

nib travelling exhibit under 36
CCLC la corte civic center

new italian blood

elvise carpi childhood pole. cadelbosco sopra

elvise carpi childhood pole. cadelbosco sopra

the recovery and extension works on childhood pole are starting in cadelbosco sopra. 
reggio emilia. italy

d'architettura 25

d'architettura 25

100 projects: observatory on the Italian building industry
federico motta editore
milan. italy

d'architettura 24

d'architettura 24

100 projects: observatory on the Italian building industry
federico motta editore
milan. italy

d'architettura 22

d'architettura 22

100 projects: observatory on the Italian building industry
federico motta editore
milan. italy

d'architettura 20

d'architettura 20

100 projects: observatory on the Italian building industry
federico motta editore
milan. italy

la corte civic center. traversetolo

la corte civic center. traversetolo

the work in traversetolo is started in order to recovery the rural complex "la corte"
parma. italy

cclc la corte cultural civic center. first prize. parma

cclc la corte cultural civic center. first prize. parma

NAT Office with Paolo Iotti and Marco Pavarani won the first prize at national ideas competition for restoration and recovery of the rural complex la corte in traversetolo.
parma. italy

reggio est: concorso nazionale di idee

reggio est: concorso nazionale di idee

strategy and action for urban riqualification
grafitalia editore
reggio emilia. italy

labpro research workshop. forms and scales of contemporary architecture

labpro research workshop. forms and scales of contemporary architecture

Research university workshop
LabPro Diap
architecture department
politecnico leonardo 

la corte

la corte

CCLC la corte civic center
edit by sonia moroni
publiprint grafica editore
traversetolo. parma. italy

labpro research workshop. forms and practices of contemporary architecture

labpro research workshop. forms and practices of contemporary architecture

Research university workshop
LabPro Dst
architecture department
politecnico leonardo 

rcsv town centre masterplan. honorable mention. valparaiso

rcsv town centre masterplan. honorable mention. valparaiso

NAT Office receives the honourable mention at international invited unesco workshop for the town centre masterplan of valparaiso.
santiago. chile

town center for unesco. valparaiso

town center for unesco. valparaiso

valparaiso town center unesco workshop's exhibit
RCSV el margen como connexion
cafè vienes
valparaiso. chile

ideas and projects for historical town center. valparaiso

ideas and projects for historical town center. valparaiso

christian gasparini presents honourable mention valparaiso masterplan as a result of international workshop for valparaiso unesco nomination.
catholic university of valparaiso – santa maria technic university – university of valparaiso.
valparaiso. chile

territorio 12

territorio 12

urban masterplan for culture and socialization: milano – san vittore
architecture master degree thesis_Polimi
edited by pierfranco galliani
angeli editore milan. italy 

NATOFFICE christian gasparini architect

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office information and contact

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exhibit comunication and press

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internship and stage


NAT OFFICE - christian gasparini architect - VAT 01798610356